Tommy Ramos
My name is Tommy and I am a sophomore at TCU. I am a geography major with a photography and human-animal relationships minor. This is my first year with CALM and I couldn’t be more excited!
My journey with mindfulness started in my first year at TCU when my partner introduced me to yoga, meditation, and journaling. Since then I have consistently practiced the three and recently committed to journaling 3 pages every morning.
My experience with contemplative practice may be new but I can confidently say that it has helped me power through my struggles. And I am excited to hear and be a part of yall’s journey!
Best Wishes,
Bryce Hopper
I learned to meditate from mentors in my life who stressed the importance of finding time to reflect.
Kaylee Meyer
Contemplative practices have allowed me to face life's challenges with a calm heart and loving mind. I am excited to further my connection with the CALM community and be a friend to those who are just beginning their journey with us!
Ulrika Shragge
I have found meditation to be a game-changer in improving my concentration, composure, sleep quality, and much more.
Julianne Tai
With regular meditation and mindfulness practices as modes for reflection and consciousness of self, I believe such practices can help people connect with themselves and others. Especially through the CALM contemplative studies community, I hope to encourage such relations and experiences.