Julianne Tai

My name is Julianne Tai and I am from Dallas, Texas. Currently, I am a junior piano performance and anthropology double major at TCU. 

During my first semester of college, I was formally introduced to Contemplative Studies and meditation. I began to realize what I do as a pianist is itself a form of contemplative practice that I had been doing my entire life. As a musician, one of my primary responsibilities is to breathe life into my music and performances. As a person, I have an intrinsic need for well-being and self-awareness. So, it seemed natural to tune into these inclinations through contemplative practices such as breathwork or meditation. 

With regular meditation and mindfulness practices as modes for reflection and consciousness of self, I believe such practices can help people connect with themselves and others. Especially through the CALM contemplative studies community, I hope to encourage such relations and experiences.

Best wishes,



Ulrika Shragge