Chuck Dunning

Chuck Dunning (M.Ed., University of North Texas) is the CALM Convos coach and consultant. He began working at TCU in 2000, and has provided assistance to students in career advising, transitional programming, leadership development, and mental health outreach. Chuck was one of the original members of TCU’s Contemplative Studies Advisory Committee, which was formed in 2012. He has had a personal contemplative practice for more than 30 years, and he is a member of the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education. Chuck is also a widely-published author on contemplative methods, and travels the country speaking and providing workshops in this field.

His books include:

Contemplative Masonry: Basic Applications of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Imagery for the Craft (2016), and The Contemplative Lodge: A Manual for Masons Doing Inner Work Together (2021). He also authored "Contemplation and Ritual Initiation," in The Art and Science of Initiation (2019).


Lydia Mackay


Blake Hestir