Ariane Balizet

Ariane M. Balizet is Professor of English and Associate Dean for Faculty and DEI in the AddRan College of Liberal Arts at TCU. She is also a registered yoga instructor and has taught yoga in Minnesota, Colorado, and Texas since 2005. She is a member of the CALM Studies Advisory Council.

Her research interests include blood, bodies, and domesticity in the literature of the English Renaissance; intersectional approaches to Shakespeare and adaptation; and histories and theories of girlhood. She is the author of two monographs: Shakespeare and Girls’ Studies (Routledge 2020) and Blood and Home in Early Modern Drama: Domestic Identity on the Renaissance Stage (Routledge 2014). She has also published essays on yoga and postfeminism, the history and cultures of breastfeeding, and has forthcoming articles on trauma-informed pedagogy and teaching intersectional girlhoods in Romeo and Juliet.

Her current book project, Race Games: Identity, Competition, and Play in Early Modern Literature, examines the dynamics of gameplay and colonial competition in the early modern literary Caribbean. Recent classes include Health, Illness, and (Dis)Ability in Shakespeare; Renaissance Girlhoods; Girls’ Studies; Shakespeare and Race; and Love, Sex, and Power in the English Renaissance.


Giri Akkaraju


Lydia Mackay